With the lowest name recognition and search volume in the EV segment, ARIYA had a major awareness problem–to the point most didn’t even know how to pronounce it (A-RYE-YA? A-REE-YA?).
So we partnered with celebs with commonly mispronounced names to create a series of pronunciation lessons. Using TikTok, we turned the ARIYA’s greatest business challenge into the ultimate pronunciation challenge. Designing an AR game called “How Do You Say…” we enlisted thousands of TikTok creators in just a couple of days to turn #HowDoYouSayARIYA into one of the top trending topics. With over 131 Million views and 21,000+ TikToks created for ARIYA, we turned a nameplate virtually no one knew about into one of the most recognizable and searched electric vehicles.
Copywriting by Reid Masimore
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